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Vaccination – to reduce population! (Bill Gates admits)

Vaccination – to reduce population! (Bill Gates admits) Bill Gates on GM foods, vaccines and Monsanto Nwo Puppet

Vaccines spiked with sterilization chemical – Health Ranger Report

A pro-vaccine organization in Kenya associated with the Catholic Church warns that tetanus vaccines given to millions of young women there are being secretly spiked with a sterilization chemical that causes a woman’s body to attack and kill her own unborn baby. Full story at

Contaminated Vaccines can create new Pandemics and Diseases

Recently it was found that the Rotovirus vaccine made by GSK was in fact contaminated with DNA from a pig virus. This was only discovered because of new testing techniques by independent researchers. Contaminated vaccines can lead to new pandemics, epidemics, diseases such as cancer and brain tumors, immune disorders, autism and a whole array …Read more »

Holocaust Vaccine, Population Control The Eugenics Connection 1of3… _______________ Czech newspapers are questioning if the shocking discovery of vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus which were distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter were part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic. The claim holds weight because, according to the very laboratory protocols that are routine for vaccine …Read more »

Population Control – Vaccine Poisoning

Yet another method of rendering the population sick and helpless. The truth about vaccines is out and it’s time for everyone to wake up. Let’s stop poisoning ourselves and our loved ones with vaccines.