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Crohn’s Disease Patient Success Story

Marco is a patient at Holistic Specialists. He is 13 years old and suffered of severe Chron’s Disease. Through functional medicine, targeted nutrition and lifestyle changes we have been able to take him to permanent remission with perfect laboratory test results from his gastroenterologist. In this video, Marco’s mom, Ritzi share the journey of her …Read more »

Ron Paul: The War on Drugs Is INSANE and Here’s How We Can End It!

http://www.RonPaul.com A mother who treated debilitating Crohn’s disease with cannabis oil finds herself facing three decades in prison for the “crime” of using unapproved medicine. Her child was taken away by the authorities and is now in the “care” of the state. What an example of the insanity of the drug war! Ron Paul Liberty …Read more »

Cannabis for MS & Spinal Cord Injury, Richard Musty, PhD (Complete)

At 2002 Cannabis Therapeutics Conference, Professor Richard Musty, Psychology, University of Vermont, presents studies confirming that Medical Cannabis (marijuana) reduces symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis and spinal cord injuries. Conference hosted by Patients Out of Time. DVDs are available. Patients Out of Time

Nagalase, GcMAF, Autism, and Dr Jeff Bradstreet

People have said that well being they had him Bradstreet, and on potentially 20 year prison sentence for using a so called banned substance in his practiced, why would they have needed to murder him? That is because likely it was the subject matter, to hot of a potato to handle, to much had already …Read more »

Controversial News – Fluoridated Water – UFO Disclosure by Top Officers – Cure For Cancer

UFO Disclosure video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vyVe-6YdUk Flouride dangers – Affidavit details: http://www.fluoridealert.org/susheela.htm Flouride warning video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju4skON4QdsVideo can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The real Truth on Fluoride hits the Mainsream Media in AUSTRALIA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju4skON4Qds) Cancer Cure Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOrRCb_4jiAVideo can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Cancer Cured in Canada But Big Pharma Says NO WAY reupload …Read more »