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TV6 Morning Edition: World Glaucoma Week with VisualEyes

Glaucoma is the 2nd leading cause of blindness in the world. Join the VisualEyes team on TV6’s Morning Edition informing the public, for World Glaucoma Week, about prevention, detection and treatment of glaucoma in Trinidad & Tobago

Acupuncture and Glaucoma

This video explains two types of glaucoma, why acupuncture can reduce the eye pressure and prevent optic nerve damage by improving the eye blood flow, relax the eye muscles and facilitate the optic nerve regeneration. For more information on our Boston location, please visit To learn more about our south Florida location, please visit …Read more »

Treating the Bowling Ball Syndrome to lower pressure in Glaucoma

Bowling Ball Syndrome in the Treatment of Glaucoma I first learned of the Bowling Ball Syndrome (BBS) about 5 years ago during a lecture by Dr. Jerry Tennant. He is a well known alternative eye doctor and I was very curious when he made the comment that some cases of glaucoma can be cured since this …Read more »


Low Level Inflammation In The Body Can Cause Little Tiny Blood Vessels In And Around The Eyes To Get Clogged A caller (Lisa) from Nevada asked Dr. G what can help with high eye pressure and hyperthyroidism. Eye pressure or Glaucoma as the MDs call it, happens because the little tiny blood vessels and lymphatic …Read more »

Treating Dry Eye Disease with Diet: Just Add Water?

Subscribe for free to Dr. Greger’s videos at: DESCRIPTION: Causes of dry eye disease include LASIK laser eye surgery, but there are dietary approaches to prevention and treatment. This is part of an extended series on the importance of proper hydration. Past videos include: • How Many Glasses of Water Should We Drink a …Read more »