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The Fluoride Ultimatum

The Fluoride Ultimatum – DDT, Lead and Asbestos were all good for us once. Shortly fluoride will join them in infamy. Fluoride accumulates in your bones, making them brittle and more easily fractured, and in your pineal gland, which may inhibit the production of the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate the onset of puberty Damages …Read more »

Water Fluoridation Is A CRIME ~ David Kennedy DDS

water fluoridation expert David Kennedy DDS about the hydrofluorosilicic acid that has been being added to our water supplies in the name of dental decay prevention since the 1940’s. You decide. *** I N F O R M A T I O N ___ L I N K S *** 10 Facts About Fluoride 10 …Read more »

FLUORIDE: Cancer, Science & Politics – Full Length

This video was recorded at the Cancer Control Convention in Pasadena, California, about 1991-1992. TRIBUTE TO JOHN YIAMOUYIANNIS (1943-2000) Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, biochemist and founder of the Safe Water Foundation, USA, died October 8, 2000, passing away peacefully in sleep at his home in Delaware, Ohio, surrounded by members of his family. Undergraduate degree from …Read more »

ABSOLUTE PROOF FLUORIDE KILLS ! – Footage of fluoride damaging cells and stopping reproduction

Please share! Very rare video footage of cells being damaged by sodium fluoride. The fluoride added to drinking water is industrial waste fluoride and most is imported from China. Thankyou to user ArkDiscoverydotCOM- http://www.youtube.com/user/ArkDiscoverydotCOM

STOP Drinking Water with Fluoride

Fluoride affects a person’s health and is not safe to drink in any amount. Use a reverse osmosis water filter system to get it out of your water and only drink bottle water that is from reverse osmosis. http://www.destroydiseases.com China trying to pass off Rat meat as Mutton Link: Below is a link to a …Read more »