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Chromium counsel for patients with type II diabetes

For Phar 465

Chromium Picolinate: An 18th Century Blood Sugar Fix?

http://http://www.naturalhealthsherpa.com/an-18th-century-blood-sugar-fix/523428–This essential nutrient is typically found in certain foods like meat, fish, oils, eggs, and more… But these days, you’re more likely to find it as a supplement in the medicine cabinets of athletes, weightlifters, and wannabe jocks. Proponents swear that the compound can help melt away pounds, pack on muscle, and improve athletic performance. …Read more »

Co-Morbidities for Diabetes AND Concerns About Gardasil

There are very good reasons for diabetics to improve their diet and lifestyle habits – diabetics are at greater risk of developing other serious health conditions, and drugs are ineffective and harmful. The American College of Pediatrics has some serious concerns about side effects related to the Gardasil vaccine. The group is pro-vaccine, and reading …Read more »