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Cancer, Osteoradionecrosis and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Robert W. is a registered nurse from Brisbane, Australia with Osteoradionecrosis (Necrosis of bone caused by exposure to ionizing radiation) in the mandible.

Hyperbaric oxygen used for pediatric cancer adds quality of life A little girl’s gift to other children with cancer. Six year old twin, Ellie Potvin, spent three tough years trying to defeat a rare for of pediatric cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma using conventional oncology. Her passing has motivated many health providers and philanthropists to “look for a better way” with complimentary alternatives along with regular oncology. …Read more »

Treating Radiation Necrosis Caused By Cancer Treatments – National Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

In this video, learn how we treated radiation necrosis which caused healing of areas of the body that was treated with radiation for cancer. Home Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, a medical treatment that is helping those suffering with RSD, traumatic brain injuries, stroke, Lyme disease, cerebral palsy, radiation necrosis, diabetic wounds and chronic pain syndromes once …Read more »

Essiac Tea…Cancer Cure?

Gina Land, salivary gland cancer survivor, shares her experience, thoughts and insights.

Hyperbaric Oxygen HBO as a Cancer Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen HBO as a Cancer Therapy Chris Woollams Health Watch – CANCERactive –