Anti Depressants

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Quitting Smoking Cannabis And Coming Off Anti-Depressants

Dystonia progressive from antidepressants & brain damage

dystonia progressive (I have Tardive dyskenisa too, from antidepressants , other psych drugs, neuroleptics told they were sleeping pills) from antidepressants , and seizure medication Tegreto. I causing brain damage that is spreading through my body with no help, care or treatment, none of the extensive damage is on my medical files yet, check my …Read more »

Medical Marijuana beats Zoloft

Cannabis is better than anti-depressant pills. Cannabis is all natural.

Zoloft Withdrawals: My Experience

All about my experience while stopping Zoloft! So thankful that I’ve been able to stop taking Sertraline, but the withdrawal symptoms are a bit of a roller coaster. If you are having the same results, just hang in there! It will definitely be worth it in the end!:) Keep in mind that this is my …Read more »

Marijuana illegal But Antidepressant Drugs Pushed By Television

My main arguement is marijuana is illegal, but psychotropic drugs that have been known to cause suicide are pushed on people by television commercials. If you want to know more, go to your search engine and type in “An Industry Of Death” and see how these drugs that are perfectly legal to push down peoples …Read more »