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Low Thyroid Mistake #1-Iodine Do you make this mistake with your Low Thyroid? You take Iodine. Do you still have these thyroid symptoms, but you take thyroid medication? * Tired, sluggish * Can’t lose weight even with exercise * Feel cold—hands, feet, or all over * Require excessive amounts of sleep to function properly * Increase in weight …Read more »

David Brownstein MD – Does Iodine Cause, Worsen, Treat or Improve Autoimmune Thyroid

Conventional medicine advises not to take iodine with autoimmune thyroid disorders and not to prescribe dessicated thyroid because it will exacerbate the disease. David Brownstein, MD challenges these concepts by presenting published research and clinical evidence that argue against the accuracy of these established models of practice. Significant animal, clinical and biochemical research supports the …Read more »

Iodine, the Ultimate Healing Trace Minerals for Cysts, Thyroid, PCOD and more

Get 10% Off Icelandic Organic Sea Kelp: 0:00-1:05 Intro to trace minerals and iodine 1:05-2:00 Uses of iodine 2:00-3:32 Iodine and the Thyroid 3:32-10:31 Causes of iodine deficiencies 10:32-14:18 Symptoms of an iodine deficiency 14:18-16:18 Foods that have high iodine & the importance of Sea Kelp Dr. Eric Berg, D.C. explains iodine …Read more »

Natural Remedies for Thyroid Health

Home of Dr. Axe In today’s video I’m going to share with you my natural remedies for thyroid health. There are more people than ever before that are struggling with conditions like hypothyroidism, hashimotos disease, hyperthyroidism, and graves disease. If you have a sluggish thyroid or metabolism, this is a big warning sign that you …Read more »

The end of Hypothyroid: Heal you Thyroid Gland Naturally

It is easy and simple to heal the thyroid and balance your hormones once you understand the root causes of thyroid disease. These natural tools will give your body and endocrine glands what they need to repair themselves and bring you optimal health.