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Natures Naturals’ Respiratory Aids product review

Dry Salt Inhaler lower respiratory aid using natural rock salt crystals and Inhalo upper respiratory aid using natural rock salt crystals and a Vapor Rod impregnated with a mix of seven pure essential oils to help combat symptoms caused by airborne allergies, asthma, COPD, emphysema, pet allergies and more…

Natures Naturals’ Travel Care Pack product review

An overview of this impressive and unique travel care pack that gives protection for emergency incidents such as muscle and joint problems(Celadrin Accelerator Balm), allergies, hay fever, asthma, COPD (Dry Salt Inhaler) cuts and bruises (Tea Tree Pure Essential Oil), skin care for after-sun, dehydrated skin caused by air travel or chlorine (DermaBalm)

11 Natural Cures To COPD

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Treating Emphysema / COPD with Medical Cannabis

Medical marijuana patient and double lung transplant candidate Vey Linville discusses using marijuana to treat his severe emphysema and tells the truth about dispensaries in San Diego, the recent federal crackdown in California, and his efforts in Imperial Beach. Medical Marijuana Patient Tells All; Dispensaries, Activism, Fighting Emphysema

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Cannabis Therapy

Freedom Of Joyce show hosted by Tere Joyce originally broadcast on Revolution Radio at Co-host Laurie Buckley. Jeff Waters shares his journey of healing his COPD with Cannabis therapy and change of diet. Mike Blue Hair Smith from Film the Police Portland gives us the inside story of his experience of being a live …Read more »