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Aspartame – It puts the DIE in Diet Soda + 6,000 other products

Aspartame: Is the sweet taste worth the harm? Department of Health & Human Services – Freedom of Information Request Aspartame Adverse Reactions You can’t imagine how hard soft drinks sweetened with Aspartame are on your body. A must-see for anybody with a sweet tooth, this exposé reveals the dangers of Aspartame consumption. Americans …Read more »

Aspartame and Diet Soda’s Links to Cancer –

Research shows potential health risks of sugar substitutes, especially those containing Aspartame. Is diet soda causing cancer and obesity? CBN News reports. The Christian Broadcasting Network. To see more from The 700 Club, go to

Sugar Cravings, Artificial Sweeteners, Sugar-Free Diet Foods, Nutrition, Aspartame | The Truth Talks

Friend us!! Sugar Cravings, Artificial Sweeteners, Sugar-Free Diet Foods, Nutrition Aspartame | The Truth Talks Holistic Health Coach, Corrina Rachel, interviews nutritionist Joseph Strickland about artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose, i.e. Splenda, Sweet ‘n’ Low, Nutrisweet, Equal, etc. Are diet foods like Diet Coke, sugar-free foods, etc. safe? Or they useful for weight …Read more »

Dangers of Diet Soda: Addiction and Aspartame

20% of Americans consume diet soda every day knowing it’s bad for them. Why can’t they stop? What makes diet soda addicting? Is it aspartame? Dr. Group discusses the secret dangers lying within your sweet and syrup filled diet soda that has become part of your everyday life. Learn why this drink should be avoided …Read more »

Aspartame HAS to be looked at – Causes Cancers

Thanks to HealthRanger7 The approval of the artificial sweetener aspartame (E951) was the most contested in FDA history. The approval was not based on scientific grounds but was due to heavy political and financial pressure. Aspartame was ‘discovered’ in 1965 by Searle, a Chicago drug company. The FDA finally approved aspartame in 1981, even …Read more »