Vitamin D Alone Is Not Enough

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Dr. Pavoni: Welcome back. If you’re just joining us, we’re talking about the importance of getting the right amounts of vitamin D to achieve optimal health. Okay, Kris, we used to think that we could get enough vitamin D by just being out in the sun.

Kris Kile: Well getting more sunlight can help, but it’s just not enough. And let’s face it, Dr. Pavoni. Too much sun is dangerous. And using UVB sunscreen is not the answer since it actually prevents the absorption of the sun’s rays into the skin, which is how you generate vitamin D from the sun. So you can’t generate enough vitamin D when you’re wearing sunscreen.

Dr. Pavoni: And with the risk of skin cancer, I’m not going to be telling my patients to stop using sunscreen. What about food, especially dairy products?

Kris Kile: The truth is very few foods are rich in vitamin D, hardly any. And the ones that claim to have vitamin D added like milk have insufficient levels. In fact, you would need to drink two and a half gallons of milk a day just to get what’s now recommended as the minimum daily dosage of D. It’s simply not an option. And something else to keep in mind — really important — vitamin D as a single nutrient supplement is not sufficient either.

Dr. Pavoni: I saw on your Bio D Supreme label that you have quite a bit more in there than just vitamin D.

Kris Kile: Yes, and for very good reasons. The other thing that we’re not told about D is that you should not take it alone. An optimal vitamin D supplement needs to include what are called optimizers and co-factors.

Dr. Pavoni: Right. It’s important that D is taken in conjunction with other nutrients.

Kris Kile: To begin with, the D itself must be what’s known as D3 and not D2. D3 is three times as potent and it’s action in the body lasts much longer. Now, in addition that a good D supplement must also include vitamin K2, which comes from natural enzymes but is also very hard to get sufficient levels from your diet. K2 needs to be with vitamin D to really get the improved bone and cardiovascular health benefits.

Dr. Pavoni: I’m glad to see that you’ve added zinc and boron and a little bit of vitamin A to your Bio D Supreme as well.

Kris Kile: Yes, we have. And researchers have discovered that by adding these co-factors, it provides advanced absorption and additional anti-oxidant benefits, which are critical for improved joint health and addressing those everyday aches and pains.

Dr. Pavoni: Now I also see you have vitamin B12, B6 and folic acid in your formula.

Kris Kile: We absolutely do. Bio D Supreme is the only D formula in existence that emphasizes a B complex with such a large amount of added B12 for energy. So most people are not only vitamin D deficient, but they may also be deficient in B12 and folic acid, which can make you feel sluggish, lead to increased inflammation, induced joint pain, cognitive decline and even poor heart health.

Dr. Pavoni: Exactly, Kris.

Kris Kile: And I can tell you the energy I feel every day since I started taking Bio D Supreme has literally changed my life. With my spray I literally feel like now I have the energy level I had in my 20’s again. I’ve doubled the miles I ride my bike each week and I’m getting so much more done at work. And this is clean healthy energy, not like those harmful stimulant energy drinks. Plus I haven’t had one sick day since I started using Bio D Supreme, not one.

Dr. Pavoni: You know that’s great, Kris. People are now just learning how critical vitamins D and B12 are to your immune health and energy levels. I really like that you combine them in your formula.

Kris Kile: For everyone watching, it’s probably fair to assume that you’re vitamin D deficient unless you’re using Bio D supreme of course. And the impact of low vitamin D on your health can be very serious.

Dr. Pavoni: Plus another great thing about vitamin D is the more you take the more you’re building critical immune reserves for the future.

Kris Kile: So getting your minimal needs and beyond will be a plus for your immune health plus it’s critical for bone, heart, prostate, colon, breast, brain and joint health as well as blood sugar control and weight management. If you take just one supplement a day for your health then Bio D Supreme should be the one.

Dr. Pavoni: So getting back to that absorption issue with traditional supplements, I’m glad to see people taking supplements today, but I hate that pills are so poorly absorbed and that they just end up excreting them, urinating their supplements away. It seems like such a waste…

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