Toddler Grand Mal Seizure – Audrina

Posted by on in Epilepsy


Ladies and Gentlemen….

Audrina has been weened off of her Depakote…. it has now been over 1 month that she has been completely off her medication! Anddddddd….


Our family is so so so so lucky that she was fortunate enough to be one that outgrew her seizures…. I understand that is not the case with every child… so my thoughts are with families and children who still have epilepsy…. if you have a toddler that has epilepsy… there is hope….

Thank you all for the good wishes and supportive posts. And I hope our story was helpful and educating!!

Original Story Below:

First – And most importantly…. I posted this video for educational purposes… educational? Yes… if you have never had a seizure or seen a toddler have a seizure… watching this can give you an insight as to what can happen… if your child has similar seizures, this may be a good video to show your neurologist… For whatever reason, it breaks my heart to see my daughter have seizures, and its hard for me to watch this video, but I post it to help anyone in any way, and as an outlet for me to express my concern with vaccinations and the possibility of epilepsy caused by them…

This is a Grand Mal seizure caught on video when my daughter was 3. My daughter had her first seizure shortly after her 2 year immunization shots…. she also developed SPD… She is now 4 years old, and has been seizure free for over a year… hopefully she outgrows this…. I strongly believe that her issues were caused by her vaccinations… Government denies… yet there is the The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 read more here … if you believe your child has issues caused to vaccinations, do something about it…

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