The Greatest Health Discovery Ever? Earthing

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Throughout history, civilizations around the world honored connectedness to the Earth and described the energy of the Earth in different ways. Modern lifestyle has increasingly disconnected us from this energy. Insulating shoes are one example. Research is now explaining, in scientific terms, the importance of this energy to human functioning and health.

Think how this works in your house. The electrical ground in your house provides a reference point for all the other circuits in your house. Grounding also provides a reference point for all the brain’s electrical activities in our body. Any electrical appliance needs a ground, a reference point, to define the values of the voltages inside its electronic circuits. Even sophisticated equipment, such as digital-storage oscilloscopes, cannot function properly without a clear reference point. Any electrical engineer knows this true. . . We seem to get this analogy about tangible electrical appliances, but we don’t seem to realize the same exact principle is occurring in our brains, and this slowly ruins our expensive Rolex in our own skull as we live life.

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