The Fluoride Ultimatum

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The Fluoride Ultimatum – DDT, Lead and Asbestos were all good for us once. Shortly fluoride will join them in infamy.
Fluoride accumulates in your bones, making them brittle and more easily fractured, and in your pineal gland, which may inhibit the production of the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate the onset of puberty
Damages tooth enamel (known as dental fluorosis) and may lower fertility rates
Has been found to increase the uptake of aluminum into the brain and lead into blood
Inhibits antibodies from forming in the blood
Confuses the immune system, causing it to attack the body’s tissues. This can increase the growth rate of tumors in people prone to cancer
Recognizing this very poor risk-to-benefit ratio, many European countries have banned fluoride altogether.

Yet, here in the United States, fluoride is added liberally to water supplies, and is even sold as “nursery water” to give to babies.

Earlier this year, the American Dental Association finally capitulated to the facts and issued a warning about giving fluoridated water to infants under 1 year old… but nursery water, which is essentially fluoridated water, is still on the shelves and, believe it or not, is advertised as being “a first step to your baby’s good health!”

If you are just finding out about the dangers of fluoride and want to know more, The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson is an excellent resource. You can also review What Your Dentist Isn’t Telling You About Fluoride for more information on the dangers of fluoride.

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