Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infection

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http://candidahub.com/tea-tree-oil/Tea-Tree-Oil-Yeast-Infection — Candida Hub’s article on curing Candida with tea tree oil. Also visit the site to find out about a natural cure for yeast infections that cures them in 12 hours!

The essential oil derived from the tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is a powerful antifungal and antibacterial substance. Research has shown that about a 2% concentration of tea tree oil will kill Candida yeast. So, it is possible to use a little bit of this oil for a natural yeast infection remedy. Only be careful not to use too much of this oil; elevated concentrations of tea tree oil can irritate the skin where it is applied. You would be wise to dilute this oil in a carrier oil or other liquid before you use it on the skin or in the vagina.

When choosing a carrier substance to dilute tea tree oil in, try and use coconut oil or honey. Both coconut oil and honey have a strong capability of inhibiting Candida growth. So, maximize your remedy by using one of these cheap, safe natural substances along with tea tree oil. You can soak a tampon in your mixture and insert it into the vagina and let it sit overnight. You can also add tea tree oil to apple cider vinegar and use it as a douche. Apple cider vinegar will help to acidify the vagina and make it less conducive to yeast growth–yeast hate acidic environments!

For an even more effective treatment, add in some other essential oils that have strong anti-yeast acitivty. Candida Hub has a section on essential oils that covers several oils that you can use in your remedy. You can also find out information about using coconut oil, honey, and apple cider vinegar for treating a yeast infection at Candida Hub.

If you’ve got some time, consider checking out a natural remedy for yeast infections that totally eliminates them in 12 hours. Candida Hub will tell you about this natural solution; and, it may be a real life changer if you’ve had a history struggling with Candidiasis.

Thanks so much for watching!

This information provided in this video is not intended to be a prescription for anyone. The content of this video is for informational purposes and is give you information to take to a licensed physician and get their opinion on how to use this information. Consult a medical doctor before using any information provided by this video.

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