Statin Drugs Eat Your Brain

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Support your local pharmacist and get yourself a supply of statin drugs. The minimum requirement for a prescription has been lowered once again, so now millions more can join in the fun and frolics of taking drugs. Those who have already had a heart attack or stroke automatically quallify for the party.
Prior to recieving your new medication you where likely given a daily calcium tablet by your GP or physician, to help strengthen bones and fend of osteoporosis. However, a recent medical study reveals that those given calcium pills signifiicantly increase their risk of heart attack and stroke.
Daily Science:
Not to worry, you now automatically quallify for statin therapy and you can continue supporting the pharmaceutical industry, when you develop illnesses which are a direct result of side effects from your new medication. Remember (as nearly all medical professionals will tell you)…side effects only happen to some people!
Well actually on this point I would have to strongly disagree. We all know that alcohol is a drug, right? And we all know the familiar side effects associated with this drug. When a medical professional sits down at a table with me and takes ten pints of beer without showing any side effects, I might concider taking their ‘opinion’ on board. In the mean time I’ll just rely on my own first hand experiences with my famiily members who have been on these drugs. And for good measure here are a few statin side effects related news pieces for youu to read through.
Warning!!! Propaganda Allert!!! If you see a headline bellow apparently supporting the benefits of statins, please make sure you read the readers comments at the bottom of each page, where you will find the words of real people suffering as a result of this rotton scam.

FDA on Statins:

Wall Street Journal:

Daily Mail Pro Statins:

Telegraph Pro Statins:

Daily Mail Against Statins:

Telegraph Against Statins:

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