REAL HEALING! Not disease maintenance! Zapper kills parasites while activating white blood cells.

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It also works for animals! The late Dr. Hulda Clark explains on the website (I am not working for – I simply purchased their Wellness System. see: ) and in her book “The Cure for All Diseases” by Dr. H.R. Clark (read and download from: ) how she discovered and developped the Zapper.

The Zapper is effective in all area’s where blood reaches. Where the blood does not reach a ZAPPICATOR is the weapon to kill parasites etc! When I used it for my hands, I was amazed at the sensation it gave – loosening even my joints it seemed.

That is why the complete Wellness System – a Zapper + Zappicator is your best buy. It reaches those areas the blood does not reach. Like inside the eyeball. Inside bones. see: Last night I used it on top of my sternum, and after it had finished it felt like my lungs had greater capacity and I could also breath through my nose without the limitation by sinusinfection/ cold. This surprised me – I had not expected this. I was glad. The Zappicator can even be used to kill parasites etc. in food. Go to that website (I am only a custmer – I do not get payed to speak on their behalf- I am only trying to help people). and find out everything.

Get healed. The medical system and the pharmaceutical companies do NOT heal anyone. It is NOT IN THEIR INTEREST that anyone is healed. Rather, they and other powers of money that profit from all problems of mankind, which for this very reason they often set up / organise so the victims of their schemes will pay for the ‘solutions’ they want people to get, for which reasons they organised the problems, including spiritual probems, economical problems, health problems, wars, climate, etc. etc. are only interested in making people sick and in ‘maintaining people’s diseases and health- and other- problems.

That is why an American doctor recently obeserved: “The USA has the best disease maintenance system in the world.”

How sick, how corrupted is our world, especially due to corrupted, tratoir governments who sold out their populations to be slaves to the money wolves, mega criminal Talmud-Jewish devil-worshipping families like the Rothschilds who own most of the Central Banks including, since recently, the central bank of Iraq and Libiya, for which purpose they got the USA and NATO to engage in wars against these nations, and murder Ghadaffi after selling the world the image of him and of Saddam Hussain, Hitler, through the world’s media they own 99% of. Now they are setting up their war with Iran, making the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, look like a monster, which he is not! How incredible the amount and nature of the crimes against humanity these central bankers/ bankers and their puppets in the world governments are guilty of. Be aware of the way they now manipulate food and water to organise more wars!

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