PanaceaDiet Show 103 – Type 3 Diabetes Alzheimer’s IDE Plaque ATOZ Bad LDL Statins Bad

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Roe Leer and Diana Leer host show #103. Roe displays “X” day calendar progress, ATOZ chart showing Atkins-type diet was superior to Learn (traditional), Ornish and the Zone. Table 6 from Volek and Feinman shows with low enough carb intake, bad LDL cholesterol particles are very few, perhaps not even being made. Pattern A LDL particle size is indicated. Broth with salt keeps electrolytes up, is inexpensive to obtain such good nutrients, and can be used before bedtime. Readers Digest says poultry should not be washed, just cooked. Minute 7:45 starts discussion of Alzheimer’s — projected to triple from 5 to 14 million by 2014. Find it early or not get it?! Alzheimer’s tangles taken apart by IDE — insulin degrading enzyme’s secondary task when insulin is low. Break down those amyloid plaques! Alzheimer’s called diabetes type 3?! One-quarter of Americans are on statins! “We Hate Statins!” Perlmutter and Sinatra great authorities. CoQ10 blocked by statins. Dr. Somadi – 40-75 years old, LDL above 190 WOULD be getting statins. Would not be good for us, ‘tho! No mention at all about LDL particle size or other parameters like triglycerides and HDL, waist circumference, BP ok, then statins NOT indicated. When would Dr. Siegel NOT recommend statins? Dr. Oz and Dr. Perlmutter discuss the “big idea” of low-carb, high-fat being the solution to chronic diseases — not cut, tuck, suck fat out of us! Baltazar Gracian’s book says two most important thing about making a good choice is 1) to make a choice at all, and 2) to make the best choice available! Keep On-Menu and keep your successes going!

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