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What are Artificial Sweeteners? Why is Splenda Bad? Presented in ASL (with voice over)

PART ONE: learn more how artificial sweeteners, aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, acesulfame k, neotame, are toxic to your body. It may be the cause or reason of your various minor to severe ailments. Its critical to know what’s in your food supply. Check your food labels and ingredients, they are everywhere more than what you may …Read more »

Baby and Children dis-ease prevention

These are so ubiquitous in our food chain and yet slowly compromise our immune systems. 1. Gluten (Wheat, Barley and Rye) 2. Sugar (anything ending in OSE, OL or IN) and 3. Sweeteners (such as: Aspartame, Splenda – Sucrolose, AceSulfame potassium, saccharin & Neotame) If you feed your child any of these products on a …Read more »

[MMD]Shiratori Neo&Tame Nobu/Hello How Are You

mode by Saboten. Shiratori Neo Tame Nobu MME Effect Diffusion 7 butterfly ToonDX SSAO_Toon Stage SoundTrace

Fluoride Poison Drug, Money, Health Care, Politics, BERKLY WATER are Good Filters

Iam not a Doctor, CORRECTION=Get a Better FILTER, Berkly Water Filter, Reverse Osmossis, or 5 stage Filter, Fluoride is in Water, Cola, Sweets that ar NEUROTOXIN & ADDICTIVE=FAT PEOPLE= Aspartame, Neotame,Nutrisweet etc , its causing probally 80% or more of the Cancer in America, see, its a DRUG, POISON, CHEMICAL, its a NeuroToxin, it …Read more »

Infowars Reporter – Sugar Coated Control

“Sugar Coated Control” is a report that explores the great dangers surrounding excess consumption of processed sugar in America. Processed sugar creates a see-saw effect of sugar spikes and drops in your body which intern has a direct effect on your hormone production. Once your body stops producing certain hormones in a balanced rate, both …Read more »