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Migraine Relief

Migraine Relief is easy if the migraine is synced to the menstrual cycle. If the migraine varies consistently with the monthly cycle, then there is a hormonal component. Xenoestrogens are chemicals and natural herbs that mimic estrogen. Cosmetics and toiletries contain these xenoestrogens and they enter your body. Your body then has an excess of …Read more »

Thoughts on Infertility

Speaking about Yeast and Xenoestrogen…a vicious cycle that needs to be broken. Our products are all natural, 100% organic, GMO-free, and vegan. We also offer a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee on all purchases. *I am not a medical expert–this is drawn from research online and other reading.

Xenoestrogens in Relation to Mammographic Breast Density in Postmenopausal Women

(Visit: Bisphenol-A (BPA) is widely accepted as an endocrine disruptor, but evidence is lacking to establish BPA as a breast carcinogen. Human studies of the health effects of BPA are scarce, and studies of BPA are largely limited to laboratory studies. BPA is present in plastic consumer products including canned food linings and #7 …Read more »

Su1814 ,

DDW 2011 video abstract: “The xenoestrogen Bisphenol A induces premature closure of the epithelial gut barrier in neonate female rats”

Tips Kesehatan

Tips mencegah kanker payudara, dengan cara: -Menjaga berat badan ideal -Menghindari alkohol -Olah raga teratur -Periksa payudara sendiri tiap selesai haid -Minimalkan paparan estrogen farmakologis dan xeno-estrogen -Konsumsi kedelai