Nutritional Supplements – Part 2 of 4: Brain Aging & Neurodegeneration

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Part 2: Brain Aging & Neurodegeneration | Supplementing with Glutathione (GSH), Melatonin & CoQ10

Nutritional supplements are just one type of neuro-regenerative therapy that can be used to heal the damaging effects of inflammation, and to stop – or even reverse – the destruction of neural tissue.

In this one-hour lecture, Dr. Gary Kaplan of the Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine covers 8 powerful supplements for supporting and improving cognitive function, including the role they play in calming the neuro-inflammatory process that can damage neural tissue, cause or exacerbate physical pain and emotional suffering, and erode mental clarity.

The supplements that Dr. Kaplan discusses include: Omega-3, Vitamin-D, CoQ10, Ginkgo Extract, Curcumin, Melatonin, Trans-Resveratrol, and Glutathione.

Learn how you can nurture and even heal your brain for improved memory, mood, and overall cognitive health.

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