Natural Treatments for Lupus

Posted by on in Auto Immune


Lupus is an autoimmune condition that affects the muscle, tissues and organs.
Thousands of patients with autoimmune diseases have seen recovery with the following plan.


1. Vitamin D3- Essential for balancing hormones in the body and proper functioning of your immune system. Over 80% of people are deficient in vitamin D3.
Take 5,000 IU 2x a day for 1 month and then 5,000 IU per day (if you cannot get direct sunlight for at least 20 minutes.)

2. Collagen Protein Powder- The root cause of lupus is leaky gut syndrome. To repair lupus you must start by repairing the gut. Here is the collagen protein powder that I suggest:

3. Frankincense Essential Oil- A natural anti-inflammatory. Rub this on your neck and forehead or put 2 drops on your thumb and rub onto the roof of your mouth 2x a day to balance the immune system.

4. Digestive Enzymes & HCL (Hydrochloric Acid)
Lupus is related to low stomach acid so suggested action steps are to eat smaller meals, chew more, add apple cider vinegar and water, and use digestive enzymes (2-3 capsules with meals) or HLC with pepsin.

5. Probiotics- Crowd yeast out of the body and heal the gut. The probiotics that I suggest using are:

Diet: Foods that are easy to digest and repair your gut

1. Bone Broth- contains amino acids that repair the gut and boost the Immune system naturally
2. Vegetables (ex. steamed broccoli, cauliflower & spinach)
3. Organic Meats (ex. wild caught salmon & organic chicken) only 4 oz. servings of meat with your meal
4. Fruits- blueberries and raspberries
5. Fermented dairy products – goat’s milk kefir and goat’s milk yogurt are high in probiotics

Also be careful using:

Gluten- found in wheat and most grains today
A1 Casein- very inflammatory to body
Processed foods and hydrogenated oils

You will see incredible results in healing lupus. Look online for more articles about lupus and leaky gut:

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