Nagalase, GcMAF, Autism, and Dr Jeff Bradstreet

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People have said that well being they had him Bradstreet, and on potentially 20 year prison sentence for using a so called banned substance in his practiced, why would they have needed to murder him? That is because likely it was the subject matter, to hot of a potato to handle, to much had already become known, and his continued being gone after would have only with the spotlight, exposed more information. They all within the FDA and the regulatory agencies as well would have all looked bad attempting to not only shut down a guy that effectively treated, and cured autism, but also in potentially sending this man to prison. It all would have resulted very badly for them that obviously and intentionally took him and his GcMAF down, Looking at it closely, that whole process at this point appears to be fabricated sham. It always is, and just as it was with Dr Wakefield and Dr Moulden. They must use whatever means is available to silence these people, and at the very least make them to by whatever means they have, appear to a fraud, and/or discredited.

The second issue in this here is the fact that it is apparently unknown where that said high level of nagalase found in those; where that is coming from. The first and most likely suspect would of course be vaccines. Was it known that Dr Bradstreet had found that nagalase in the vaccines? At the very least how would such as the CDC repond to that if the question were put to them that we need to determine where that nagalase level is coming from? Do you think they will ever address it, and/or ever choose to do anything but ignore this major issue? So, there you easily see why there were potential reasons that they or someone may have believed that they needed to silence Dr Bradstreet, permanently. And what about the other doctors? In my likely more than just an opinion, somehow it all has to be connected. It all certainly in any rational mind should appear to be something more than just all a coincidence.

This article is an analysis of the known disinformation filled Washington Post article.

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet Murder vs. Suicide: Media Spin Evidences Organized Crime

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet Murder vs. Suicide: Media Spin Evidences Organized Crime

The Real Reason Holistic Doctors are Being Killed and Vanishing!

Autism: Dr Jeff Bradstreet in First Immune GcMAF’s ( laboratory

Published on Sep 8, 2012
GcMAF eradicates autism in 15% of children; 85% improve, 15% do not respond. 59 research papers by 142 scientists state GcMAF rebuilds the immune system. Research by Dr Bradstreet shows that 85% of autistic children have high nagalase levels and therefore a compromised immune system. Introducing GcMAF causes the immune system to fight viruses, infections and fungal attacks.

With an improvement rate of 85%, this indicates that many of the problems experienced by autistic children are caused by a collapsed immune system, and a viral/bacterial/fungal overload. 1,500 autistic children have now been treated with Immuno Biotech Ltd’s GcMAF (, 15% of whom have made full recoveries from autism.

With Dr Bradstreet we ourselves published a groundbreaking paper in “Frontiers in Neurology” on the 2nd January 2014 where we identify, for the first time, the point in the human brain where autism resides.

In our opinion Autism tends to be caused by the MMR and other vaccines putting viruses and mercury into children. A shortage of lipids may contribute. Another Italian court has awarded €178,000 against the government to a family who’s child contracted autism from MMR.

These viruses sabotage the immune system by sending out nagalase to prevent the production of the child’s GcMAF, and therefore become chronic.

Vaccine aluminum adjuvant causation of neuroglial activation and neuroinflammation in the brain of patients with autism.

Vaccine aluminum adjuvant causation of neuroglial activation and neuroinflammation in the brain of patients with autism- Page 2–page-2.html

Dr Theresa Deisher – Worldwide Autism Epidemic & Human Fetal Manufactured Contaminated Vaccines

Vaccine Production With – Human Diploid cells (aborted fetal cell tissue)—human-diploid-cells-aborted-fetal-cell—tissue.html

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