Multiple Sclerosis — Treatment LDN story

Posted by on in MS


A moment in my treatment of Multiple Sclerosis using Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).
Symptoms and Prednisone Infusion.

I hope none are offended by this talk. My intention is not to make light of this very serious condition, which has devastated the lives of many, but instead perhaps focus on overcoming, understanding and beating this thing down. Enjoying life.

I apologize for mentioning my band at the end. I got a little caught up in a moment and didn’t know where to go.

Also, it is questionable at best to believe that my recent “flare-up” was caused by forgotten doses of LDN. There are many factors involved in the anatomy and life cycle of this condition. I would not wish to speculate so greatly on that possibility. Although it may have been a factor.

These are simply my opinions in this matter. Nothing more.
I do not believe we are victims to this condition. I do not yet know how we attract this into our lives. The body is such a wonderful mystery. Perhaps we can somehow let this thing go by means other than crude medications and the like. Find Peace, be still.

Music by Museum

Some resources:

Low Dose Naltrexone “LDN” and Dextromethorphan off label for Pain, RSD, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, MS, Crohn’s Disease

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