Mom Believes Marijuana Plant Oil Can Help Kids With Epilepsy by Sarah Cody at FOX 61

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Each morning, Kim Hearn attaches a feeding tube to her son before outfitting him in specialized clothes that lend support to his torso, ankles and legs. A seizure often disrupts the process. It’s a rigorous routine for this Stratford mom but it’s nothing, she says, compared to what the 10-year-old, who can’t speak or sit on his own, endures: “Sean just accepts it.”

As a baby, Sean was diagnosed with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, a form of epilepsy. A dozen medications have failed to reduce the 30-plus seizures Sean experiences every day. Each episode is damaging to the boy, already frail. Hearn believes there could be an answer: an oil made from marijuana plants called Charlotte’s Web.

“Charlotte’s Web — I’ve heard — has done miracles for children. It’s either stopped seizures or significantly reduced seizures,” says Hearn, during Epilepsy Awareness Month, in an effort to educate the public about this oil, which cannot be administered legally to kids in Connecticut.

A young girl, Charlotte Figi, who was battling severe epilepsy, had dramatically fewer seizures while taking the special strain of cannabis that is low in THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Her home state, Colorado, became the first to legalize the oil for children, who must be residents and have approval from two doctors. Since 2013, more children have flourished on the oil. Connecticut law does not allow children under 18 access to medical marijuana.

Bob Fiore, president of Connecticut Epilepsy Advocate, believes that term — medical marijuana — is a turn-off, preventing the public from truly understanding Charlotte’s Web, which he calls “cannabis oil for epilepsy.”

“This is not a recreational medication,” he says. “It’s there to help people with epilepsy.”

For the second time, he has submitted a bill to be considered by legislators that would include children in the state’s marijuana laws and allow Charlotte’s Web to be delivered here.

“They … won’t have my support,” says Sen. Toni Boucher of Wilton, who believes the use of marijuana can be the beginning of drug abuse. “This action is dangerous and irresponsible. It is fact and accepted by medical experts and all sides that marijuana permanently damages the young, growing brain.”

Although there is little scientific evidence, the American Academy of Pediatrics recently reversed it’s stand, publicly stating that cannabis could be a treatment option for kids with severely debilitating illnesses.

Hearn is on a mission to rally support: “Parents need to be given the right to be able to purchase Charlotte’s Web over the phone and have it mailed to them.” She wonders if her son could make developmental strides if he took the oil, a question that stays with her every day: “We’ve tried everything else, we’ve got to keep trying. I will never give up on Sean.” Thank you Sarah Cody, FOX 61 and Hartford Courant

For more information, check out or watch Monday’s Fox 61 Morning News & Hartford Courant

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