Lung, sinus bacteria (Isochronic Tones 244 Hz) Pure Series

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For more information, please read my blog:

This is Rife frequency.

What is Brainwave Entrainment?

Original Video by FingerprintDiVA. The Pure Series

I’m only uploading FingerprintDIVAS videos, I don’t make isochronic tones. The frequencies in most of the videos are based on the ‘Cross Reference List of Rife Frequencies’. I have no idea if they work or not, since I don’t suffer from any of the diseases. The only feedback I can give, are on the frequencies I use myself, but even then, what works for me, may not work for you. If you have any questions about the videos, read this blog post:

If you’re suffering from any kind of “serious” medical condition, you should always get in contact with the medical profession and get a diagnosis. Alternative healthcare is not always the way to go, for some illnesses you really need professional healthcare. This is my 30 years of experience

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