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Dr. G talks about Statin Drugs the relationship to Alzheimers, acquire optimal health now. Detailed webinars on Good Healthy Habits at L120y.com, join our team.

A listener of Dr. G (Carol) calls the show because she thinks her husband has high cholesterol. Dr. G asks why she thinks that. She explains that husband’s Medical Doctor said he did. Dr. G says he doesn’t have high cholesterol and he’s been fooled!
Carol’s husband is on a STATIN (cholesterol lowering) drug.

Dr. G riffs on how there’s tons of published research, which clearly shows there is NO relationship between high cholesterol and heart disease. It DOES NOT exist. Furthermore, the research clearly shows that healthy cholesterol levels in postmenopausal women are over 300.

Even if you are not scientifically minded, it should be glaringly apparent. We sell more STATIN (cholesterol lowering) drugs than any other classification of medicine in the world to the tune of around 25 Billion dollars a year in sales. STATIN drugs burst onto the scene in the mid 1980’s. Since their arrival in the 80’s, heart disease has remained UNCHANGED!!

If the Medical Doctors would pay attention to the literature like Dr. G does, they wouldn’t prescribe STATIN drugs either because they DO NOT WORK!!

Dr. G believes that the remarkable incidence/genesis of Alzheimer’s disease almost exactly parallels the arrival and distribution of STATIN drugs on the market. This is not surprising at all since 95% of the part of the brain that is affected by Alzheimer’s is made from cholesterol.

When you drive cholesterol in the ditch with STATIN drugs, NOTHING happens to heart disease, but Alzheimer’s from obscurity to the LEADING cause of death.

Dr. G likes to see total cholesterol levels over 250 in males.

JOIN OUR TEAM for more detailed information & support. We are educating the peeps on how to live a long live with good healthy habits & wholistic medical nutrition!!!
Dr. G show from 05-29-13(08).

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