Just Water Ceramic Water Filter Bucket System Assembly Instructions

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This system is a portable way to bring water to pure, clean water to multiple people in a convenient, self-contained and affordable way.

Filter is silver impregnated and will not permit bacteria growth-through (mitosis). It provides a hostile environment for all microbiological organisms and will not support their growth. Ceramic elements may be cleaned 100 or more times with a soft brush or damp cloth.

The filtration efficiency is 0.2 micron.

99.999% Bacteria Removal
Virus Reduction/Removal
Certified by Ceutical Labs, FDA Registered Laboratory

Easy installation
Good flow rate – up to 30 gallons per day with syphon tube
Accepts water from floods, lake, rain, well, tap, river or stream
Annual/semi-annual filter replacement
Cleans with clean, damp cloth
Unlimited shelf life
Once in use, filter will last 1 year
Capable of filtering arsenic, lead, fluoride, iron and nitrates (special order)

Made in USA

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