Juice Recipe For Healing Cilantro-Broccoli-Ginger-Lemon-Bonus

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Juicing recipe for healing. Enjoy this one. This is a power-packed recipe to heal when juicing.

uice fasting eliminates certain foods

Juice fasting eliminates the usual mucous forming foods from our diet, such as refined flour, and stimulates the digestive tract to be normally active, further reducing the presence of the irritating substances and the excess mucus that results.

Juice fasting accomplishes the task of removing excess mucous, dead cells, and other entrapped foreign material and also supplies an abundant supply of nutrients which the body, in its renewed energy level, immediately utilizes to heal.

This is a powerful regeneration process, and you have it in your own hands to accomplish. You don’t need to go anywhere. You don’t need to have this procedure performed upon you. You can accomplish it yourself. This is nothing but good news!

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