Illegal Drugs in Chicken Feathers

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DESCRIPTION: By testing chicken feathers for chemical residues, researchers aim to find out what the poultry industry is feeding their birds. The presence of banned drugs and a broad range of pharmaceuticals raises concern, recalling the time in which DES was fed to chickens for years after it was shown to cause human vagina cancer.

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised by anything coming from an industry that fed chickens literally millions of pounds of arsenic-containing drugs. See Arsenic in Chicken ( and my follow-up, How Many Cancers Have Been Caused in Arsenic-Laced Chicken? (

The drugs fed to chickens are one reason used to explain why poultry has been tied to increased cancer risk. See Chicken Dioxins, Viruses, or Antibiotics? (

The most concerning drugs currently in the U.S. poultry supply are the antibiotics. See, for example:
• Lowering Dietary Antibiotic Intake (
• More Antibiotics in White Meat or Dark Meat? (
• Meat Mythcrushers (
• Past the Age of Miracles: Facing a Post-Antibiotic Age (
• Superbugs in Conventional vs. Organic Chicken (

Ironically, not only may antibiotics in chicken contribute to antibiotic resistant infections, but to the infections in the first place. Check out my video Avoiding Chicken to Avoid Bladder Infections (

Then as if adding potentially harmful chemicals to the chickens themselves wasn’t bad enough, more are added in the processing plant: Phosphate Additives in Chicken (

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