How to make Ginger Root and Lemon Detox Tea!

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Ginger and Lemon tea is detoxifying and an all in all healthy tea and here’s how:

Immune Boost:
Lemons- vitamin C, antioxidants for inflammation and reduce free radicals, bioflavonoids can help prevent cancer
Ginger- high levels of antioxidants, increases blood flow
This tea can work as antibiotic in onset of colds

Instant Nausea and Indigestion Relief:
-Good for motion sickness pre-travel
-Good for morning sickness in pregnancy
-Eases upset stomachache
-Lowers chances of Heartburn and Indigestion
-Prevents Bloating
-Improves Appetite

Lowers Effects of Diabetes
-Daily consumption can reduce Kidney damage
-Ginger has high levels of Zinc

Excellent Hair and Skin!:
-Antioxidants and Vitamins
-Improves Digestion which makes for radiant skin
-Antibacterial properties protect skin from infection
-Vitamin A and C for long healthy hair

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