Fluoride in Salt, One Soft Kill of Costa Rica. A NWO Takeover Element.

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Poison in your Salt and Water. Fluoride is Poison for your Body.
I don’t know when the salt started but I noticed a few years ago that Costa Rica and Central America are putting Fluoride in the salt. It may have been part of the TLC corporate criminal takeover of consumerism. It could be a secret contract with the USA that Laura and Oscar sold out the country.
Fluoride is a toxin and a carcinogen. It is a toxic byproduct of the aluminum industry. The USA have been putting it in their water for decades. You wonder why there are so many hormigas in the USA. We call them SHEEPLE. It is partly to blame the Fluoride. Among other environmental pollution.
Fluoride is bad for the brain, bones and internal organs. I will include in the description studies about how bad is fluoride.

NOW you may ask why are they putting fluoride in the salt. Are They to make hormigas out of Costa Rica? Hitler use fluoride to dumb down the public. So he could take over europe more easily. Are they, The International Banks, planning a take over countries who people are too dumb to fight back? What they did with Greece and Cyprus.

Look at the amounts in Fluoride in the salt, 175-225 mgs. as compared to 125 of Iodine.
All of you call the salt companies to follow this report. Call the minister of Health to removed this poison in your water and food.

Call and contact these companies and ask to talk to the boss of the laboratory. Demand them to remove the poison in your salt.
Mininterio de Salud
Teléfono: 2257-7821
Dirección de Atención al Cliente
San José, Costa Rica, Costa Rica
Teléfono: 2257-7821
Sal Diamante
La uruca, S.J.
FAX, 2520-0127
Cooperative National de Productos de Sal
fax 2291-3784
email: salsol@coonaprosal.fl.cr
Coonaprosal R.L.
APDO 739-1150 La Uruca

Cancer Deaths Linked to Fluoride Revealed


United Nations Soft-Kill Depopulation Agenda Exposed with Jurriaan Maessen


Does Fluoride Lower IQs?

Harvard Study: Fluoride Lowers Children’s Intelligence By 7 IQ Points

5th February 2014
By Dr. Edward F. Group
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Exposure to fluoride is a contentious topic, mostly because exposure is everywhere. Not only is fluoride a common ingredient in toothpaste, many municipalities have a fluoridated water supply. Why? Well, the reason we’re given is that it encourages oral health… even though it’s not known to prevent harmful oral bacteria. [1] What is known is that fluoride is toxic. In fact, the number one reason for poison control calls concerning fluoride are for children who’ve eaten toothpaste. [2] [3] Long-term ingestion is harmful to the brain, digestive system, heart, bones… even the tooth enamel it’s supposed to help. [4] [5] [6] These next 9 shocking facts will make you take a second look at your exposure to fluoride.
Read details at above link.
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

Learn More About the Dangers of Fluoride
The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson


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