Fibromyalgia Management – My Story (Lew Bear)

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I’m Lew Bear and this is my story of fibromyalgia and how I’ve learnt to manage and control the pain and fatigue with diet. From what I’ve witnessed I believe fibromyalgia to be many different conditions, all lumped under one umbrella and mine is just one of those conditions
If you suffer with severe muscle stiffness, particularly in the legs and lower back, fatigue, tiredness, occasional lack of clarity in thought, then you might be suffering the form of fibromyalgia I did, and there may be hope if you adapt your diet and cut out all proteins from the family bovidae, which includes beef, lamb, goat and all their dairy products
If you suffer a different form of fibromyalgia, good luck in finding your own way of managing it and my heart is with you x

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