Dystonia progressive from antidepressants & brain damage

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dystonia progressive (I have Tardive dyskenisa too, from antidepressants , other psych drugs, neuroleptics told they were sleeping pills) from antidepressants , and seizure medication Tegreto. I causing brain damage that is spreading through my body with no help, care or treatment, none of the extensive damage is on my medical files yet, check my other videos up so far. It has spread from my right facial cheek, to my hands, feet, then neck, as of late 2008 down the back of my spine, as April 2009, the whole left side of my body, which is the weak side from what we think may have been a stroke, and nothing was done, It remains weak, I found it odd that it would spread down the weak side. Where else is it going to spread. Often I am left, paralized in bed like a pretzel, not funny, and very painful. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry. It was on thehospital records for years, theycovered for it as I was damaged so badly aldready, i kept being told it was dyskensia, or non-existant andpscyhatric, when it was dystonia

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