David Icke on Salvestrol Cancer Cure, Fluor, Aspartame and Vaccines

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David Icke explains the dangers of fluor, aspartame and vaccines. He also tell us about the relation between cancer and the use of chemical farming. Cancer is a fungus and the natural protection in fruits and vegetables against fungal attack is called salvestrol. When we use chemical farming, this natural defense will not be activated since the fungal attacks are being taken care of artificially. Make sure that you only buy organic fruit and vegetables. This clip is from David Icke’s presentation from Melbourne in Austraila, April 11th 2009.

Cancer can only manifest if we forget the true nature of who we really are. That is if we don’t live our lives the way that is best for us, that is true to us and if we keep doing that for too long. It’s not our fault it’s come to this. We have been deceived and deluded from the truth about who we really are. We just have to remember! We are doing that right now all over the planet.

More movies containing information on curing cancer:

Run From the Cure – Hemp Oil Cancer Cure
The Beautiful Truth – Gerson Cancer Cure
Gregg Braden – Language of the Divine Matrix – Emotion Technology Cancer Cure

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