Comparing free range chicken eggs to store bought

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I am only stating in my video what has worked for lp pretaining to high blood pressure. He was on 1 then 2 blood pressure medicines. From there he went to sugar pills and a drug for acid reflux. I believe because of the fluid pill in the blood pressure medicine it affected his vision and it started to fail. Dehydration causes health issues. From there he had open sores on his feet that wouldn’t heal and his toe turned black. I researched about the blood pressure medicine and the side effects. He had them all as his body was screaming out from the toxic effects of the drugs. He stopped them all cold turkey. The black toe and sores went away including the acid reflux. The sugar level stablized. The damage to his eyes is premanent. He has stopped table salt that is in most processed foods as it’s a very unhealthy choice of salt. He has mostly stopped processed foods and only has them on occasion like cheese. He eats mostly one ingredient food, kale, spinach etc. He eats fresh garlic everyday and drinks lots of spring water and lots of sea salt with minerals. Lack of minerals and dehydration are two causes of high blood pressure. No margarine only unsalted butter. Extra virgin organic coconut oil and nuts are a good choice for the heart healthy omega 3s. Toxic man made synthetic food and prescription drugs poison the body and the body will cry our in many ways. As it cries out more prescription drugs are added to the toxic cocktail. I’m sharing what has worked for lp. An added note the blood pressure drug increased his appetite as he went up to over 275 pounds. Prescription drugs are a win win for doctors.
Many man made synthetic food and drugs will increase the appetite.
God’s food can’t be beat to heal the body. His weight is 200 pounds now.

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