Claims super broccoli protects against heart disease and some cancers

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London, UK, October 12, 2011
1. Close of broccoli bunches in Suzanne Johnson’s hands at supermarket
2. Low mid shot of Johnson replacing loose broccoli
3. Wide pan left of Johnson shopping in vegetable section
4. Various of Johnson picking up and examining Beneforte broccoli and placing it in her basket
5. SOUNDBITE: (English), Suzanne Johnson, mother
“For me it’s more about getting my kids (children) used to eating healthy foods. If there is the upside of, you know, potentially having some anti-cancer benefits, or helping our hearts and improving our health, I think that’s great.”
6. Close of packets of Beneforte broccoli on supermarket shelf
7. Close pan of Benforte broccoli packet
8. SOUNDBITE: (English), Suzanne Johnson, mother
“I really am concerned about the food that they eat and try to ensure that they get proper nutrients and a balanced diet, so for me it does make sense to pay a little bit more considering that that little bit of broccoli can pack more of a punch.”
London, UK, October 21, 2011
9. Wide of Professor Richard Mithen wandering through market
10. Various of Mithen looking at vegetables
11. SOUNDBITE: (English), Professor Richard Mithen, lead scientist, Plant Natural Products & Health, Institute of Food Research
“When you eat this broccoli, what this does it does is it helps your fat to metabolise much more faster and so you get a decrease in a certain number of fats, particularly one called cholesterol, LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol, so you get a reduction in cholesterol in your blood stream and that means you’re less likely to get atherosclerosis and thickening of the artery.”
London, UK, October 12, 2011
12. Mid of Nick Martin walking through supermarket
13. Close of Martin’s shopping basket
14. SOUNDBITE: (English), Nick Martin, software designer (looking up from shopping in his basket)
“I eat lots of fruit, cycle 25 miles every day and martial arts as well.”
15. Mid of mother with pushchair shopping in supermarket
16. Close of shopping basket
17. Various of woman searching through vegetables
18. SOUNDBITE: (English), Nick Martin, software designer
“If someone could show me some scientific evidence that it’s got any sort of health benefits over and above normal broccoli then, yes, I might consider it, yeah.”
19. Various close of broccoli on stall at fruit and vegetable trader at New Covent Garden Market
20. Mid shot of forklift truck raising pallets of vegetables
21. Mid shot of forklift driver
22. Close pan of boxes full of herbs
23. Close of melons
24. Various of Tony Gaeton checking the broccoli stall at his vegetable wholesalers
25. Various external of MG and Sons vegetable wholesalers
26. SOUNDBITE: (English), Tony Gaeton, purchasing director, MG and Sons, New Covent Garden Market
“Get people eating more healthily, you know and using the local greengrocer really to get fresh produce which somebody has hand picked and then they can eat on the day, if it’s going to be healthier, well it’s all good.”
27. Wide pan of gangway at main fruit and vegetable area at Covent Garden
28. Wide of traders walking along market
29. Close tilt down from cabbages to cauliflowers
30. Close of curly kale
31. Close low view of crates of apples
32. Mid pan of vegetable stall at market
London, UK, October 12, 2011
33. SOUNDBITE: (English), Professor Richard Mithen, lead scientist, Plant Natural Products & Health, Institute of Food Research
London, UK, October 12, 2011
34. Mid low shot of Simply Authentic Food (SAF) restaurant kitchen with broccoli in container in the foreground
35. Various of chef mixing ingredients of raw vegetables for dishes
36. Mid shot of chef
37. Wine on restaurant counter
38. Close of mushrooms

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