Caution: Anti-inflammatory Foods in the Third Trimester

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DESCRIPTION: For the same reason that anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen are advised against during late pregnancy, anti-inflammatory foods may increase the risk of premature closure of the ductus arteriosus.

The video in which I profile those two case reports is here: Chamomile Tea May Not Be Safe During Pregnancy ( As I note in Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidants ( general high antioxidant foods, are high anti-inflammatory foods.

For comparisons between the strength of anti-inflammatory foods and drugs, see:
• Watermelon for Sore Muscle Relief (
• Anti-inflammatory Life is a Bowl of Cherries (
• Which Spices Fight Inflammation? (

More on healthy (and unhealthy) diets around pregnancy:
• The Wrong Way to Detox (
• Preventing Childhood Allergies (
• Meat Fumes: Dietary Secondhand Smoke (
• Hair Testing for Mercury Before Considering Pregnancy (
• How Long to Detox From Fish Before Pregnancy? (
• Bacon, Eggs, and Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy (
• Garlic and Raisins to Prevent Premature Birth (
• Diet Soda and Preterm Birth (

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