cancer cure silenced by governments!!

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Its time to take back the power!! OUR POWER, my last description just disappeared! SO this is the truly shortened version. Use the same tactics in this time against them as they are against us. Choose love instead of hate, stop imports, grow your own, make your own, support your own.
Pool resources that allow us to have access to drugs and foods that can heal! They obliterated my flamboyant, info filled initial description……we can counter them by hitting them where it hurts..the world is about to change, our lives will never be the same so lets give them what we’ve got NOW~~ before its too late. Reclaim your power and use it, for the good of your family and us all. No more mind control, oil control, food control, drug control cause it dosen’t make them money and keeps us as pawns!
We can re-claim the land and achieve the impossible. Hold the light and the love and the memory of how to honour the earth and each other, and lets bring back the freedom of the plough and say yes we will try to the healers in our midst.
Here are the links
The battle has already been won……….by us.

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