Cancer and Cesium and praying. Vlog 28

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This is about cesium chloride being used as an alternative cancer treatment. **–I AM NOT A DOCTOR!** I am just stating what I have observed. My father died of complications related to cancer 2 years ago. He was using a cesium chloride treatment and died because his intestine burst when the cancer receded and left a hole. This is no miracle cure. Cancer is a terrible disease and will consume you if it can. To fight cancer it is a race to kill the cancer before it kills you.

Cesium suposedly works by one of two ways.
1. It makes you more alkaline which cancer has a hard time growing in.
2. It acts like potassium which takes glucose into the cell, but blocks the output of cancer cells where by killing the cell. Does not go into good cells, so it does not kill good cells only cancer. Much like Kimo therapy, but supposedly better on the body because kimo kills all cells.

Cesium also has a positive side affect that it takes away the pain because being alkali it neutralizes the lactic acid that comes from cancer and so doing takes away the pain. No more pain meds that make you goofy. You do have to have enough cesium in you to neutralize the acid before the pain goes away.

It has a negative affect in that it leaches potassium out of the body for the 3 months that it is active in the body. But taking potassium pills can fix that.

After my Dad died, I had some of the cesium left.

On 6/23/8 the Vet told my wife that our 10 year old sick dog had no more that 2 months to live. His liver had a tumor in it. It was 3 times the size and was pushing on his hart and other organs. We decided rather than weight for the cancer to take him slowly, We would try the cesium treatment in the percentage amount for his weight.(30lbs.) We also prayed to God over Fred to heal him. (I that is probably the most important part.)

On 8/26/8 after giving fried the treatment, we took him back to the vet who was amassed he was still alive and even happy and hyper. They took another xray and his liver had shrunk to about the size it should have been, and his organs were in the correct place.

It is now 12/28 and he is still doing fine. A little skinny probably because of the damage to his liver from the cancer, not the cesium.

We used cesium ‘diet supliment’ from
There are others, that is just the ones we used.

The only side affect I saw in both of my dad and my dog Fred was that they both got more stubborn and maybe a little paranoid. But now Fred is not that way after the cesium has passed through his system in 3 months. Ti also tastes like salt water, but if my life depended on it, I would not care about that.

In the end it was a hard time getting it into fried over 2 weeks, and then continuing the potassium for 3 months in a lessoning graduated amount. Fried had good days and some bad days. But now his good days are about 95% of the time, and a little tired. His digestive track was a mess and still is a little. He now takes some vitamins and heats a lot of chicken, but is doing good. Even if cesium kills the cancer, the body has to deal with all the damage the cancer did.

New vid from 4/6/9 of Fred. Still doing good.

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