Breast Cancer Risk: Red Wine vs. White Wine

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DESCRIPTION: Modest lifestyle changes that include the avoidance of alcohol may cut the odds of breast cancer in half, but certain grapes appear to contain natural aromatase inhibitors that may undermine the ability of breast tumors to produce their own estrogen.

My reference to the cancer risk associated with even light drinking (up to one drink per day) is explored in Breast Cancer and Alcohol: How Much is Safe? (

Wasn’t there a study that found that fruits and vegetables weren’t protective against cancer, though? See my video on the EPIC Study (

For more on the aromatase story, see:

• Vegetables Versus Breast Cancer (
• Breast Cancer Prevention: Which Mushroom Is Best? (
• Breast Cancer vs. Mushrooms (
• Why Do Asian Women Have Less Breast Cancer? (

More on grapes in Fat Burning Via Flavonoids ( and Best Fruit Juice (

What if you already have breast cancer, though? Well Cancer Prevention and Treatment May Be the Same Thing (, but I do have been a few studies on breast cancer survival and diet:

• Breast Cancer Survival and Lignan Intake (
• Breast Cancer Survival and Soy (
• Breast Cancer Survival and Trans Fat (
• Breast Cancer Survival, Butterfat, and Chicken (

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