Boosting Immunity While Reducing Inflammation

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DESCRIPTION: Cooked white mushroom consumption stimulates antibody production while potentially still playing an anti-inflammatory role.

The immune boosting fruit and vegetable video I reference is Boosting Immunity Through Diet ( See also Kale and the Immune System ( and Sleep & Immunity (

The balance between immune function and cancer is not always as straightforward as I noted. See my video series that starts with Cancer as an Autoimmune Disease (

More about mushroom magic in:
• Breast Cancer vs. Mushrooms (
• Ergothioneine: A New Vitamin? (
• Making Our Arteries Less Sticky (
Probably best to eat cooked, though: Toxins in Raw Mushrooms? (

How else to decrease inflammation? See:
• Potassium and Autoimmune Disease (
• The Inflammatory Meat Molecule Neu5Gc (
• Biblical Daniel Fast Put to the Test (
• The Exogenous Endotoxin Theory (
• Dietary Treatment of Crohn’s Disease (
• Fighting Inflammation in a Nut Shell (
• Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Purple Potatoes (
• Garden Variety Anti-Inflammation (

What can we do about allergic diseases? See:
• Preventing Childhood Allergies (
• Preventing Allergies in Adulthood (
• Throw Household Products Off the Scent (

And if amla is not your old friend, become acquainted:
• Amla Versus Cancer Cell Growth (
• Amla Versus Cancer Cell Invasion (
• Amla Versus Diabetes (
• A Better Breakfast (

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