Benefits of Earthing & Grounding

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The Benefits of Earthing & Grounding

For more than ten years, Earthing research and feedback from individuals who have grounded themselves, primarily while sleeping at night, demonstrate a multitude of benefits.

Here is a short list of them:
• improvement or elimination of the symptoms of many inflammation-related disorders
• reduction or elimination of chronic pain
• better sleep and faster to sleep
• increased energy
• lowered stress, more calmness by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones
• normalization of the body’s biological rhythms
• thinner blood, improved blood pressure and flow
• muscle tension and headache relief
• lessened hormonal and menstrual symptoms
• dramatically faster healing and reduction/prevention of bedsores
• reduction/elimination of jet lag
• protection against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
• accelerated recovery from intense athletic activity.

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