5 Benefits of Coconut Oil

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Top 5 list of coconut oil benefits! Amazing reasons behind coconut oil beauty secrets. These life hacks for skin care are highly beneficial. We’ll show you ways to use coconut oil.

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Coconut oil
Here are 5 reasons why you should be eating virgin coconut oil!!
#5 – Coconut oil is filled with Medium chain triglycerides!!
Medium chain triglycerides are fatty acids that is easier for our body to convert to energy than Long-chain triglycerides. This means that our body is less likely to store MCTs as body fat, and instead will boost your metabolism!! Medium chain triglycerides are known for energy expenditure, and not fat storage!! They go straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they are used as a quick source energy or turned into so-called ketone bodies, which can have therapeutic effects on brain disorders such as epilepsy and Alzheimer’s!!
#4 – coconut oil can help you lose bodyfat much more efficiently!!
We all know that in order to lose fat, we have to eat fat, or else our body holds on to the bodyfat much harder!! But, what types of fats are best to eat? One study had participants consume 18-24 g of MCTs per day as part of a 16-week weight-loss program, which resulted in more weight loss and fat loss when compared to olive oil. These studies found that substituting oils high in medium chain triglycerides for those with long chain triglycerides could be beneficial for fat loss. This means that coconut oil is great for fat loss!! Just remember, you still need to burn off more calories than you take in!! Be sure to add coconut oil in your recipes today!
#3 – Coconut oil can lower your risk of heart disease!!
Coconut oil is loaded with saturated fats, which actually do not harm the blood lipid profile as previously thought. Saturated fats raise HDL (the good) cholesterol and change the LDL cholesterol to a benign subtype!! In one study, coconut oil reduced Total and LDL cholesterol while simultaneously increasing HDL when compared to soybean oil!!
#2 – Coconut oil boosts your immune system!!
Coconut oil strengthens your immune system because it contains lauric, capric, and caprylic acids, which which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties!! For example, the human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which research has shown is an effective way to deal with viruses and bacteria that cause diseases such as herpes and influenza.
Annnnnd the #1 reason why you should love to use unpressed and unrefined coconut oil……..
Coconut oil targets abdominal fat, the most dangerous type of fat!!
Coconut oil appears to be especially effective in reducing abdominal fat, which is the type of fat that surrounds your organs. This type of fat is the most dangerous fat of all and is associated with many diseases. Waist circumference is correlated with the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity.
For example, One study was done on women with high levels of fat around their stomach. These ladies supplemented their diets with 1 ounce of coconut oil per day. The study showed that these ladies had a significant reduction in both BMI and waist circumference in a period of 12 weeks.
Another study, this time involving obese males, saw a reduction in waist circumference of around an inch after 4 weeks after adding the same amount of 1 ounce of coconut oil per day. The crazy thing? The people in this study weren’t even adding exercise or restricting calories. They were losing their abdominal fat simply by adding coconut oil to their diet!!!
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