40of EUGENIC’s =Population Control Adding HexaFluorSilic ACID Falsely labled Fluoride,Sodium.avi

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Jesuit OATH Infiltrate their Religions, Masons Clubs, Governments How New world Order is taking over Whole World

Using DRUGS, Bribes, Wars, Crypto jews (Alumbrados Society) started Jesuits=BLACK POPE swore OATH INFILTRATE ALL

RELIGIONS Masons, Clubs pretend to be one fo them jesuits started=Knights of Columbus=Started
NeoCons=Protestants=Prescott Bush S&B322 did Business with Hitler SS Hats Rings #322, tried to get General Butler

to KILL President Roselvelt and set up Hitler style Government this is in Our Congressional Record, NeoCons started

Little News Papers across America owned by Methodist and Episcoplians one bunch of news papers they own is Southern

Newspapers inc, they get Methodist Judges, Governors, District Attorney Sheriffs etc Elected, Bring in Drugs to

little Communities they control see Plane Loads of Drugs CIA Secret pictures take of President Bush at Large Drug

plant TATUM CHRONICLES, listen to phone Calls in America Amdox also wrote programs for C.A.L.E.A, ZIONIST=Crypto

Jews been using drugs for Centuries to Control People at one time they all of China Hooked on heroin see Hidden

History at LarouchePAC=Documentaries, Lenin and Stalin and Hitler used Fluoride in Water to keep people in a Zombie

state see Eustace Mullins, see Book Fluoride Deception see Fluoride the DEVIL’s POISON on Amazon books, see 3000

professionals and Dr. Hirzy Testify before Congress representing 7000 EPA ban many Films at www.FLUORIDEACTION.net,

Fluoride is a NeuroToxin in Brain, Its Damaging Every Organ in the Human, Dogs, Cats, Horse Bodies they have paid

Multi Millions to Horse Owners and to big farmers for Fluoride Ruining Crops, If you watch Films Close you see them

changing names on Barrels full of HexaFluorsilic ACID to Fluoride, This is Primary ingredient in RAT POISON, Bug

Spray, NERVE GAS BOMBS, its EUGENICS, 1/4 American women cannot have baby thru natural means, 1984 world health

meet in Pureto rico, said 1/4 of the world had Mental Problems, by this time they had cola’s into 206 Countries,

when they mix SUGAR with Fluoride it becomes Addictive, its Eugenics, its causes damage to every organ, Neurotoxin

in Brain, Mix little Alcohol this same family of Drugs iis what they use to put you to sleep for Major Surgery,

cost 10cents day take 250mg of Magnesium before each meal this will stop your body from absorbing Fluoride you will

shit it out, Purify water 80% bottle water is Contaminated, Fluoride causes depression and causes People to just

FEEL BAD, take Kelp Gnc store 2cents day, add 1/4 teaspoon or more of Celtic Sea SAlt to one gal purified water,

Chem Trails spraying Fiber when they are ingested they connect in body, its either to kill or they will work as an

Antenna when they get to top of skin causes SORE Morgellon Disease, some people say take NutraSilver, take Daily

Colon Cleanse Phillips $11.00 month this will also prevent COLON CANCER, take one Mega Green tea tabelit $4.00

month RDIF chips see famous Film maker warning youtube Aaron Russo, Please down load these Films and this Writing

give it to your Friends and Doctors, 3 oil finds over 600 years on American soil see Lindsy williams Oil non=crisis

and Balakan Montana find, I have addReason we went after Sadam Hussein He would not agree to sell his Oil only for

American dollars this is the deal we have with Kuwait and the House of Saud see John Perkins youtube, ed up to 40

ten minute films NTSC long Play per Disk using Avs4Yu

Convertor Program and give out 300 copies to people and doctors, and Leaders I have designed an Economic system

that a Child up thru Greenspan can understand, I could increase America’s Wealth or Any Country wealth 10 times

what it presently is, togethr we could put 30=50 million Americans to Work in just a Few Months, for 40 years or

more doing meaningful work that should of started 20 years ago. Kennedy signed 11110 for Treasury to Print INTEREST

FREE money this the real reason he was murdered, watch 2 hour documentary how they stole our Economic system, The

IRS Law was only ratified by 21 states see book “The Law that Never Was”, at first all money collected by IRS was

sent to TRUST Fund in Pureto rico then from their to Vatican Rothschild in England and to Rockefellers when this

was not enought to pay interest on money borrowed they move SOCIAL sECURITY into General fund, People drawing

800.00 month would be drawing $2,000.00 month had they not STOLE from it, and it was never to be Touched.

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