13 Amazing Uses & Nutritional Health Benefits of Cucumber (You Need to Know Today)

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Cucumber Benefits: 13 Amazing Uses & Nutritional Health Benefits of Real Cucumbers you need to know today but probably don’t…
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Cucumber (cucumis sativus) is usually the main ingredient in a fresh fruit vegetable salad, and is eaten by those who want to lose weight because of cucumbers nutritional benefits. However, there’s more to eating cucumbers than losing weight; it has various health benefits too.

Detoxification: Cucumber makes a great detox. It is full of vitamins and compounds which can give your body the perfect boost when you want to reset and supercharge your body and stop your irritable bowel. Moreover the high water content of cucumber helps remove bad toxins and bacteria waste from your body.

Weight Loss: As mentioned above, cucumbers are a must if you want to lose fat weight as they constitute about 97% water, have fiber and 1 cup of it contains only 11 calories! Its water and fiber makes you feel full; so when you need to cut down a few pounds to maintain your fitness weight, young raw cucumber slices make the perfect snack.

Prevents/Reduces Cancer Risks and Alzheimer’s Disease: A cucumbers nutrition contains phytochemicals like cucurbitacins which have strong anti-cancer properties, it is an effective cancers fighting food. The flavonoids in cucumber fight and reduce prostrate cancer cells while caffeic acid has an anti-proliferating effect on breast cancer cells. Moreover, green cucumber is rich in vitamin C which fights free radicals and colon cancer risk too, so eat organic plant cucumber.

Hydration: Cucumber water (cucumis sativus) keep your body hydrated which is important as dehydration can lead to headaches, dry skin, low blood pressure and a rapid heartbeat. Gherkin cucumber’s high calcium water content keeps you hydrated and cool to normalize your body temperature too. So cucumber juice is the perfect drink before and after workouts to replenish the nutrients and all the electrolytes lost in your workout and sweat.

Improves Joint, Tissue, Brain, Heart and Bone Health: Make sure you eat conventionally grown cucumber peel daily as it is a good source and rich in vitamin K which helps promote tissue health, prevents diseases and blood clotting and gives you stronger bones. With improved tissue health, you have improved joint health thus helping you fight joint related problems like arthritis.

Reduces and Controls Inflammation and Blood Pressure Levels: Cucumber is rich in potassium and so like banana, helps protect, maintain and improve lower blood pressure levels. Cucumbers (cucumis sativus) also contain magnesium and fiber, making it a good treatment for both low and high blood pressure. The sterols in cucumber lowers cholesterol levels to regulate blood pressure and as cucumber is a natural diuretic, it lowers the pressure in arteries.

Anti-Aging: With a great amount of antioxidants like carotene, lutein and zea-xanthin in it, green gherkin cucumber fights radicals to prevent and avoid cell aging and death. The antioxidants also boost the overall body immunity and with its vitamin B nutrition facts, serves as an energy packed drink when you feel drained and lethargic.

Better Eye Health: The cucumber skin also contains beta-carotene which is essential for boosting eye health. This gives you more reason to eat your cucumber with its skin on!

Better Hair and Nails: Regular consumption of cucumber, fruits and vegetables helps stimulate proper hair and nail growth as its silica works as a condition for hair and nail growth. Moreover its high magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin content prevents the peeling and cracking of nails while its high water content keeps your body hydrated and gives your hair a shiny texture. It’s ascorbic and caffeic acid reduces the swelling and puffiness of eyes and minimizes dark circles under the eyes.

Treats Digestive Problems: The everyday consumption of american cucumber (cucumis sativus) helps cure digestive problems like gastritis, stomach ulcers and heartburn. Its high fiber and water content removes toxins and waste from the body to promote healthy digestion while the alkalinity of minerals regulates the body’s blood ph. This neutralizes acidity to give relief from other stomach disorders like constipation and gastritis.

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