0.37 hz Relief from Bacterial Infections – Isochronic & Binaural [Brainwave Entrainment]

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0.37 hz Relief from Autonomic Nervous System disorders, Bacillus Infections, Bacterial Infections, Bronchial Diseases, Bronchitis, Glykogen Storage Diseases, Mutism, Myocardial Infarction, Nail Diseases, Acne, Nocturial, Nephritis (Hereditary), Pituitary Diseases, Skin Diseases (Bacterial, infectious; Scar tissue healing (collagen building), Skin Mole, Sleep Apnea (Central), Slow Virus Diseases.

Allergy, see also freq. about Hypersensitivity (they call allergy hypersensitivity):
0.04 hz, 0.37 hz , 0.65 hz, 0.80 hz, 2.50 hz, 3 hz, 25.58 hz, 52.50 hz, 192.50 hz, 330 hz, 375.79 hz, 727 hz, 787 hz, 880 hz, 926.06 hz
freq. lists: http://www.royalrife.com/lists.html
Some spiritual and psychic frequencies: http://lunarsight.com/freq.htm
Stimulating/Normalizing freq.: http://stenulson.net/althealth/stimfreq.htm
Glossary and more links: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_cambio06b.htm

video details: binaural base 155 hz

Publishers Note:
All of my Brainwave Entrainment is apparantly made for health purposes. But i think to myself, that its worth to consider, that a frequency is either a) against infectious virus, bacillus or disease in such way, that the frequency is destroying this virus etc. and bodies disturbances, or b) strenghtening and supporting the organ which is connected to that frequency. If we have no disease, then its only the question, if listening a frequency described als relief to a disease is general harmful or not. If theres no disease, then it might be, that there wont be destroyd anything. In general i assume, that there might be a health benefit of some frequencies, even while not having a disease. It might be, that there are also some frequencies, described against disease, but in real they are supporting some connected organs, so that this organs do the work against the disease.
But. There are some frequencies, they wrote down a warning, example that the frequency of 802 hz is killing good bacteria of the bowel (but later they say, it seems not to be such a problem at 802 hz), or that 388 hz is described as “Warning: alleged damage to humans”. But this is rare, and if so, i give out that warning, example about diabetics, wo may have an blood sugar drop listening to some frequencies. To diabetics i would say, look for yourself in the frequency lists and go for sure, whats about a frequency. But i think also, that its very rare, that a very ill person, will search help through brainwave, and that those, who listen, are quite healthy, even if they are diabetics. In this thinking, i imagine, that they will notice effects of listening and come to their own conclusion.

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